
Oliver staring out at the chaos of Saltburn.

SALTBURN (and that one period scene)

If you were one of the people who looked at Oliver Quick feasting like a vampire and thought, ‘am I attracted to do this?’ then don’t let the haters get you down. It is an extremely normal desire to feel wanted in all stages of your cycle. (It is also extremely normal to look at Barry Keoghan and think this in general)
Period Poverty: A Public Health Issue that Needs Addressing

Period Poverty: A Public Health Issue that Needs Addressing

Period poverty is defined as a lack of access to period products, hygiene amenities such as toilets and hand-washing facilities, waste management and menstrual hygiene education. In the absence of period products, Australian menstruators have been reported to turn to other alternatives such as socks, rolled-up toilet paper, cloth rags, child's diapers and even mattress foam. 
Ovulation Pain

Ovulation Pain: What is Mittelschmerz?

Ovulation pain, also known as mittelschmerz, is a type of pelvic discomfort or pain that some people experience during ovulation, which is the process when a mature egg is released from an ovary and travels down the fallopian tube in preparation for possible fertilization by sperm. In general, e...
PMS Relief: 7 Effective Tools to Calm PMS Symptoms

PMS Relief: 7 Effective Tools to Calm PMS Symptoms

While menstruation may feel like a burden at times, it is empowering to know there are ways to mitigate the lows and leverage the highs of our cycle. When it comes to PMS, consider approaching this time as a monthly opportunity to hone your self-care practice. 
Sick Girl Advocacy

Sick Girl Advocacy

I’ve spent the last 15 years of my life trying to pretend I’m not sick. I’ve hidden on the floors of bathrooms, curled up after passing out and walked back out into a room full of people with a smile on my face. I’ve walked blocks to get coffee or hop bars with groups of friends, with a shooting pain up my legs, trying not to fall over and simultaneously maintaining enough of a conversation with them that they wouldn’t notice.