Its been another busy month at Taboo HQ. In October Eloise spoke on a virtual panel that ANU TABOO hosted regarding period stigma with other special guests: Rochelle from Share the Dignity, Florence from OneGirl, and Alana, a policy officer for the Australian department of health
The TABOO team delivered more product to OTR. Our products are now stocked in selected OTR convenience stores, National Pharmacies and IGA Malvern! We were also lucky enough to speak with another potential retail stockist. We'll let you know about that one when the time is right.
TABOO's amazing Co-founder Isobel won Young South Australian of the year!!!!!!!!! We're so incredibly proud of her and all the hard work she outs into juggling a medicine degree and duties with TABOO. Nice one Izzy!

Eloise, our other amazing Co-founder, was elected as a 40 under 40 finalist for the year. She was the youngest finalist to be nominated ever! Well done Eloise!

The TABOO team launched our city office space! This will be used for; packing online orders, whole team meetings, meetings with potential partners and other people. We've already used our new space for many really productive brainstorming and design sessions! We now have a weekly roster which keeps the whole team accountable for regular meetings and planning sessions.
Any Other Business
-We also spoke with some SA IB students as they prepare to work with TABOO as part of their studies
-Izzy and Eloiseresented at the "Spire" Graduation Ceremony
- Eloise recorded a podcast with some year 9 students
- Welcomed another member to the team (to be announced to the public soon?)