At the start of this month we sadly waved goodbye to our intern Max and thanked him for his hard work at TABOO over the last 10 weeks. But before we could get too comfortable again in our (relatively small) office, we were able to welcome a wonderful new member of the TABOO team, Harriet!! This chicka is a wiz at pretty much everything - particularly tasks of a marketing flavour! We absolutely love her and are so excited to have her on board.
Here's a little bit about Harriet in her own words:
Hi TABOO fam! My name is Harriet Gray and I recently joined the TABOO team!! I’m currently 20 years old and am studying a Bachelor of Commerce majoring in Marketing, which I absolutely love!! I’m finishing my degree at the end of November but am very very excited to start my Honours in Marketing next year to conduct some research into more specific areas of marketing I am interested in. Other things about me: I love playing netball, I have a twin brother, I have an instagram for my cat (@lilahpudding #shamelessplug) and I am passionate about TABOO’s mission!! Earlier this year I applied for an internship through the university to be a part of TABOO’s team. Despite not receiving the internship, I was still super passionate about TABOO’s mission and found that I still really wanted to be a part of the TABOO team and work towards ensuring women around the world have access to sustainable sanitary care and education. So, I contacted Eloise and Izzy again, and here I am! I’m really excited and super grateful to be a part of such an amazing team and to have the opportunity put my energy towards such an important movement <3
On the topic of TABOO product, we’ve been madly meeting with packaging designers to get the product packaging looking snazzy. We’re hoping to have some final designs within the next month or so and then the boxes will be sent off to the manufacturer for an exciting test run!
We’ve had some amazing followers come in to try some TABOO product samples, so keep your eyes peeled for some reviews from our incredible ‘Sample Queens’.
We’ve also been busy at various workshops and school presentations and there have been some exciting ones this month! Isobel took off to Plant 4 Bowden to work with the Girl Gang collective to speak to the girls there. They put together some awesome hygiene packs which have since been distributed to women who are living it rough in Adelaide. We’ve had another amazing ambassador, Audrey from Adelaide host a fundraiser this week as well! She raised more than $395 dollars hosting her friends for a high tea. We are super thankful and proud of Audrey’s work :)
If you’ve been following TABOO on social media, you might have noticed a funky looking campaign that we’ve launched!
“The TABOO Fact Slap” is a campaign aiming to spread our mission before the launch of our product. It is a campaign designed to share the facts around period poverty, and give people a voice to stand against the inequality it brings.
We encourage you to take part in our social media campaign by sharing a photo and caption like the example below!
If you would like to join us, take a photo with a number on it that represents a menstrual healthcare statistic, copy and paste the below caption, and post the photo and the caption on Facebook, tagging some friends to do the same.
Thanks for tuning in, boos! We’re so thankful for your support and encouragement and we hope you are getting as excited for our product as we are! xxxxx
[Insert chosen fact here]
eg: 70% of reproductive diseases in India are caused by poor menstrual hygiene (www.theguardian.com).Women and girls around the world are made to feel degraded and dehumanised while they bleed.TABOO is a social enterprise that exists to provide women’s sanitary products to communities where access to sanitary pads and tampons is extremely limited.The TABOO Fact Slap campaign is designed to raise awareness of the menstrual health issues that women face in Developing Countries, as well as to raise funds for TABOO’s product launch of organic cotton pads and tampons.So challenge yourself, write a bold statistic about a menstrual health issue on a sanitary pad, stick it over your mouth, upload it with the hashtag#TABOOFactSlap and tag 4 friends to do the same! Donating will also help countless women have sustainable access to sanitary products which will result in a far better quality of life.
Donate to TABOO to help change the lives of women around the world!https://tabooau.co/
[tag your friends here]
30% of girls drop out of school because of their periods in developing parts of the world (http://dignityperiod.org/)
In Developing Countries, girls generally lose 12 weeks of school a year while they are bleeding (onegirl.org.au)
70% of reproductive diseases in India are caused by poor menstrual hygiene (www.theguardian.com)
73% of Bangladeshi workers miss six days a month due to vaginal infections (http://dignityperiod.org/)
7 million school girls cannot afford sanitary pads in South Africa. (https://www.unfpa.org/