September Business Update

September Business Update

September has proven to be another busy month for the Taboo team. We were lucky enough to deliver our organic pads and tampons to Kick Start for Kids thanks to the wonderful team at OTR.

Possibly the biggest update for September is our new office space. Back in August Eloise applied for a renew Adelaide space in the city and we picked up our KEYS to our new home in SEPTEMBER!!! We now officially have a large office in the heart of the city where our team can meet together with ease and comfort! We also have a space to conveniently store our goodies, pack online orders, host meetings and events and most importantly, meet together as a team. We absolutely cannot wait to have intensively fun and exciting brainstorming sessions but also to simply work in the same space as one another. Working from home can certainly have its perks, but our team really feel that it’s time to work together on some huge things to come!

Any Other Business

Izzy spoke on a podcast called The Daily Pretty. They are holding a free virtual business expo on October 25th in collaboration with Hey Poppy. You can register for the free expo here. Izzy's podcast will be available as part of the event.

The Taboo Team have also been meeting with our lovely friends at Black Sheep often, still chipping away at important projects that are in the works!

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