We are oh so close to having TABOO branded sanitary products to sell!!!! The past month has been promising, as we've had some awesome, affirming conversations with our manufacturer and other partners. We are still working hard to complete a few more jobs and receive some quotes before we can order this product in confidence that we have the most efficient and effective methods underway. At this stage we're looking to receive our product and have it ready to sell by early next year (2019). We are sure that you guys are just as much ready for this product to be launched as we are! We want to launch with a bang and have a product that we're proud of- a product that you will continue to buy and love. In the meantime the momentum will keep flowing through the sales of our teeshirts, caps and stickers!
On Thursday the 20th of September, a few TABOO team members met an exciting bunch of people from the social enterprise Thankyou Australia! We were so blessed to have met the amazing Daniel Flynn, Co-Founder of Thankyou, and his awesome mate Kirk Pereira who is the growth builder at Thankyou. These guys were so encouraging and were very generous with their time to us. We learnt so much from them and bombarded them both with questions, all of which were answered fantastically. We love the boldness of Thankyou's social enterprise model and are super excited to see where they go. Their time was so appreciated so as a thank you to them, please go out and buy any Thankyou branded product! The projects that they fund with their profit are life changing and we love how they are backing them!
Whilst we've been focused on getting the TABOO range up and running, we've been traveling about the place, talking at schools and conferences about period poverty and global menstrual health care. These presentations have been so beneficial and fun, we love speaking to people about why we do what we do and love explaining our powerful social enterprise model. If your school or community needs a speaker for an event, please let us know. We'd love to be involved and have a chat to you guys about periods, business and anything in between! This month we've also had lots of University students film and interview us chatting about TABOO and its activity. It's been an awesome way to connect with our followers and see the other cool things people are doing with their time.
Our TABOO Ambassadors have been out and about doing awesome things for us too! We had three inspiring chickas raise more than $500 for TABOO by doing the City to Bay! Thank you Kiara, Olivia and Grace for your incredible support and congratulations for finishing the run. Four of our other gorgeous ambassadors, Tahlia, Issy, Lucy and Isabella also hosted a fundraiser at their school selling baked goods and stickers. Another amazing ambassador Sam hosted a fundraising dinner at her home! We love you all girlfriends <3 Thank you for all of your time and passion.
Another exciting part of this month has been collaborating with the girls from the awesome activewear brand Unicorn Nexus . This month, 10% of their sales are being donated to TABOO and we are so grateful for their support. Be sure to check them out, they have an incredible mission and such cute workout gear!
Be sure to keep following our Instagram and Facebook for more regular updates and as always, if you have any pressing questions or comments get into contact with us via email at home@tabooau.co.
Thank you always for your support boos,
Eloise and Izzy xx