
Should I lube my tampon?

Should I lube my tampon?

If you are struggling to use tampons, some lubrication may help. However, it is important to carefully consider which lubricant you use as your vagina is very sensitive and only certain products are appropriate. 
Ebony Ackland

Sick Girl Ambition

To some, it would likely seem idyllic to clock so much couch and trashy tv time, but I can promise you it’s far from enjoyable. Often left to dwell in our own complex minds, sick days can be a mental health war zone. Endless hours of battling what it might mean if our bodies don’t improve or accepting that other people are just simply too busy to notice us.
Good News: Vibrators can help relieve period pain!

Good News: Vibrators can help relieve period pain!

  There are many ways to help ease period pain, but have you ever considered a vibrator as a form of pain relief? No? Well, perhaps you should! Here’s why…     First, let’s chat about those ‘bloody’ annoying cramps we know all too well! The uncomfortable cramps experienced during menstruation ar...
Georgia, Founder of O Blooms Vibrators

Introducing the Best Vibrators for Endometriosis Warriors

I know what you’re thinking. How do vibrators have anything to do with endometriosis? Although vibes may conjure images of the sex industry and that oh-too-awkward encounter you had with the bottom of your parents' sock drawer when you were a kid, they’re so much more than that. The health benefits of using vibes extend much further than an orgasm. And there’s some pretty cool science to prove it. But let’s start at the beginning.  
Depictions of Menstruation in Mainstream Media

Depictions of Menstruation in Mainstream Media

From traumatising and distressing depictions of characters’ first periods, to the use of menstruation as a derogatory punchline, it’s safe to say to that periods aren’t exactly well-represented in mainstream media. The power of these negative portrayals of menstruation can’t be underestimated – society’s understanding and perception of the world is increasingly shaped by the TV, film and other media we consume. Let’s take a closer look at the ways in which menstruation is portrayed on screen – and the impact of this OFF screen.   
Periods and Sport: What Do We Know?

Periods and Sport: What Do We Know?

We all know that having our period can be painful, and it can alter our mood and mental state. Some of us might even know exactly when our periods will be at their peaks and what to do to manage them. Knowing this can be really useful for improving your health, especially if you’re an athlete.