
November Business Update

November Business Update

In the lead up to the Christmas break the Taboo team has been incredibly busy this November. Izzy and Eloise were lucky enough to attend couple of networking events in the Adelaide start up scene. Eloise also had an interview with a PHD student from Adelaide University, which was very cool! Th...
October Business Update

October Business Update

Its been another busy month at Taboo HQ. In October Eloise spoke on a virtual panel that ANU TABOO hosted regarding period stigma with other special guests: Rochelle from Share the Dignity, Florence from OneGirl, and Alana, a policy officer for the Australian department of health The TABOO tea...
Using A Tampon for the First Time

Using A Tampon for the First Time

There are few things in life as daunting as the thought of using a tampon for the first time. Is it inserted properly? How far is too far? How long can I leave it in for? Will it really stop me from bleeding all over my cute bathers at the beach this summer? We understand, you've got questions b...
What is PMS anyway?

What is PMS anyway?

If you're a person who gets their period, chances are you've probably experienced the mood sings and food cravings that come with PMS. You might be happily relaxing on the couch watching Gossip Girl when you're suddenly overcome with a wave of emotion that leaves you in blubbering tears over one...
September Business Update

September Business Update

September has proven to be another busy month for the Taboo team. We were lucky enough to deliver our organic pads and tampons to Kick Start for Kids thanks to the wonderful team at OTR. Possibly the biggest update for September is our new office space. Back in August Eloise applied for a rene...
August Business Update

August Business Update

A lot has been on the go in August for the Taboo team. Izzy and Eloise recorded a Self Made Theory podcast with Ben Campbell that you can have listen to right here. The podcast interview is all about the social enterprise business model, making a difference, overcoming the challenges we have fac...