
Can organic cotton period products shorten my period?

Can organic cotton period products shorten my period?

We know there’s many benefits to using organic cotton period products, both for the environment and your body. In fact, we’ve written a whole blog post on those benefits before. Whether you’re especially sensitive down below or are concerned about the pesticides used to grow non-organic and part...
April Business Update

April Business Update

After a massive march, the team was very grateful to rest over a long Easter weekend. And rest we did! Behind the scenes: The team has been working on some new merchandise pieces, internal processes, the new website and educational resource development. We were also lucky enough to have incred...
Let's Talk About Thrush and B.V.

Let's Talk About Thrush and B.V.

If you're a person that has a vagina, chances are there has come a day where you've felt that maybe something just isn't right downstairs. It could've been a change in your discharge or natural odour, or perhaps you felt the insatiable urge to itch like crazy so bad that it drives you to distrac...
March Business Update

March Business Update

March was an exceptionally jam packed month for TABOO, possibly even busier than February! We were incredibly honoured to have Premier of South Australia Stephen Marshall visit the TABOO office and find out more about the work the team does to end period poverty in SA and globally. You can watch...
February Business Update

February Business Update

February was an incredibly action packed month for the whole team and we simply cannot believe that it is March already! Still on a high from Izzy’s Young Australian of the year accolade, the TABOO business has had many incredible opportunities presented to us in February. So many we can barely k...
Fighting The Taboo

Fighting The Taboo

First published on The Leak When asked to recall a story about when they themselves experience period stigma TABOO Sanitary Products Co-founders Isobel Marshall and Eloise Hall don’t hesitate. Isobel shares, “The first time I used a tampon, I underestimated how far you have to insert it. I though...